DareDevil is a TV show based on the Marvel superhero, Matthew Murdock, who lives in Hell's Kitchen, New York. As a kid he was involved in a car accident and got chemicals in his eyes, causing him to lose his eyesight. He lives with his dad, and when he is around 9 years old, his father did something he wasn't supposed to do, and now Matthew is in a foster home where he meets a man who is also blind, and teaches him that losing his eyesight only made him stronger and taught him how to use his other 4 senses to see better than he ever could. Murdock uses the love he has for Hell's Kitchen to drive himself to get into the mask and fight crime. But throughout the show he has to choose between his friends, career as a lawyer, and continuing being the daredevil. The style of the show is very unique compared to a normal Marvel show. Daytime street chases are replaced with dark ally muggings. And instead of superhero quips, they focus more on the sounds of bones crushing and blood splattering. Marvel has adventured into a completely different way they portray their superhero's and they did a fantastic job with it. Another similar thing that marvel did compared to DC is the flashbacks that happen throughout the show. Matthew Murdock will often have flashbacks about times when he was a kid living with his dad, and when he was in the foster home training to use his loss of eyesight to see better. The idea of using flashbacks is something Marvel has just started to do, and its a good way to elaborate more on the show and provide more information about the character. As someone who is more of a fan of DC Comics, this show constantly had me on the edge of my seat, and having to stop watching for the day was actually hard to do. Overall Marvel did a really good job with the show and have now discovered a new style of superheros that they can now dominate. If anyone asked, I would easily recommend the show for anyone interested in superhero shows, or just seeking an action show.
For another opinion over the show click here. It talks more about season 2, and if there ever is a season 3, what could happen.
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